Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My One thing for 2011: Good bye perfectionism

Things heard while playing and using imaginations
Things Heard
Where have I been and what is next?
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures

Thursday's things Heard...when talking about Jesus
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday's Something I have never done before...pumpkins and wine

Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night...Dustin's birthday eve
Monday's Making it a Home...10 minutes the night before
So the daycare, LMNOP opens every morning at 7am. This particular weekend, my house looks very "lived in". (i can't be perfect all the time) and I had planned on waking up early to tidy up a bit before my client arrived instead of doing it on Sunday night. All I can assume is that my last thought before bed was of my intentions and last night my only dream was that I was cleaning all night. So my sleep wasn't restful and I woke up only to still have to scramble to clean up before 7am! The best part is is that it only took me 10 minutes to pick up the whole house.
How restful would my sleep have been last night if I had taken 10 minutes and knocked it out then? Its a goal I can strive for.
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday's things Heard...What do you want for dinner?
Me: Ab what do u want for dinner?
AB: Mayonnaise and blueberries!
Me: No way!
Wednesday's Something I have never done before...chicken wings
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night...cheese and crackers in bed
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday's Making it a Home...every room in my house has a kitchen sink.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday's things Heard..."both team"
Thought you might be interested in this website I discovered, www.diapers.com. They deliver diapers, wipes, formula and other baby necessities at really low prices with fast free shipping. They carry all the big brands and hard-to-find products too.
If you enter my email address or Share the Savings Code on the shopping cart screen, you'll get 15% off your first order!* It's their best offer for new customers.
My Email Address: lorihedrick@tapestrychurch.orgSavings Code: 123LMNOP
Check it out at www.diapers.com.
* Please note: $100 max discount. Other restrictions may apply.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday's Something I have never done before...leaving her alone!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night ... invaded by Pirates

Monday's Making it a Home...her own space
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday's things Heard...pockets
Wednesday's Something I have never done before
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night
Monday's Making it a Home...smells
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday's Things Heard...keeping Lydia
Wednesday's Something I have never done before

So this week it was store bought sugar cookies rolled out and cookie cutters and sprinkles and the whole nine yards!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night - I married an amazing man!
Monday's Making it a Home...LIFE CHANGING DECISION
Have you ever wished you what you did during your ‘nine to five’ part of the day made more of a difference or had a lasting effect on others? That exact thought has been my driving force for the last three years. I have a long resume listing various administrative jobs with my last job being an Office Manager for a commercial real estate company. I did a great job making sure that the office set others up for success so that they could in turn be successful and bring more money into our company. I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life. Who am I having a lasting impression on?
I want to make a difference. I want to impact lives and what better way than to spend my ‘nine to five’ hours with kiddos. I can teach them, love on them, care for them and in turn be a resource for parents and families. It might not bring world peace or stop hunger but it sure has great potential.
Thank you to all of our friends who prayed for this to happen!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday's Things Heard...
Wednesday's Something I have never done before

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night...minus the taco salad AGAIN
Monday's Making it a Home...refinance
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday's Things Heard...
Wednesday's Something I have never done before
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night...minus the taco salad!

Monday's Making it a home
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Happy Birthday to a very special friend

Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday's Things Heard...
Things heard while watching Finding Nemo...
Yesterday was a rainy snuggle up under a fuzzy blanket kinda day. We started the day watching Finding Nemo in Mommy’s bed. Isn’t that the best part of anything as a little kiddo when you do it in mommy’s bed. I thought of adding popcorn but we hadn’t had breakfast yet.
Dustin always fast forwards through the part where Nemo loses his mom and siblings but when we got to the part where Nemo gets taken from his dad, I mentioned to Dustin I thought it might be too intense. He said she was fine so I used it as a learning point.
You know the part at the beginning when they are going off to the drop off and
Nemo says: What's that?
Tad: I know what that is. Sandy Plankton saw one. He called it... uh... he said it was called a "butt".
Pearl: That's a pretty big butt.
And Sheldon says: Oh, look at me. I'm gonna touch the butt.
And then Nemo swims all the way out, touches the “butt” and gets captured by a diver on his way back. His dad screams and cries out for Nemo but is unable to save him?!?!
I looked at Anna Beth as serious as I could be and says that is why it is so very important to listen to your Mommy and Poppy. If Nemo listened to his Daddy, he would be safe right now but now he is in danger.
To which she replied...I will always listen to Poppy. I will never touch the butt.
I love this little girl!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday's Something I have never done before
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday's Taco Salad Family Night
Monday's Making it a Home...lovings with lotion
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday's Thankful Treasures
Dustin said "My workout time in the morning along with learning to live in the moments I have with my family."
As for myself, this week I treasure Dustin's surprising me with finding our wedding video and making a digital copy of it. We will be watching it tonight. We have one photo from our wedding on a shelf and every time AB sees it she says, 'That is when Mommy was a princess and Poppy got her. It was before I was born.' This morning I told her that when Poppy comes home she gets to watch a special Princess movie with us. I hope she isn't disappointed that Disney didn't make the movie.
Anna Beth is asleep right now but I can tell you without a doubt what she treasures today! Ice Cream. She has been looking forward to it for 3 days now. She is getting a flu shot at the Dr. today. She knows that she is going to get a "little owwie, a big sticker, and some ice cream with sprinkles and a cone!!!" She has been begging to go to the doctor's office all day!
And again, since Lydia cannot talk, I would have to say that she treasured the moment that I finally quit messing with her this morning and just let her be. She has a 2 month check up today and we had to take a bath and get all nice and dressed up of course and I had to clean behind her ears and extra stuff we do not do everyday! Lotion and the whole nine yards; doesn't every
mom do that? Needless to say, she treasured the moment I was able to mark her off my to do list and move on to breakfast, dishes and laundry.