Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday's Making it a home

This time I put 1/2 her toys away! I did it for 2 reasons...partly because I am so stinking tired of picking up toys that have a million pieces and partly so she doesn't have to share her special toys (i.e. scooby, her 23 year old barbie toys and stuff like that).

Our house is full of kiddos all the time. Friends from church and soon to be daycare kiddos. This child has to share all the time, day and night 24/7 bless her heart. She needs a break.

So here is what I did. All those broken, cheap happy meal toys, broken and/or missing parts toys were trashed!!! Her "special toys" went up to her room and are not to leave there and we just dont have kiddos upstairs to play. The family room has our "core toys", toys that are easy to clean up when the time comes. (ABC Blocks, doll house, Lincoln Logs, Play food, legos and blocks for towers). The rest of the toys (batteries required, exciting toys, dress up, baby toys, million pieces toys, flash cards, puzzles and games) are in the daycare closet. Those will be rotated in a week at a time and made more special because she doesn't see them all the time.

We have had it this way for a week and let me tell you...it ROCKS! Clean up is super easy. No sharing wars with friends. And it sure does make the one toy at a time rule a lot easier. I have seen her play longer and more independently because the area is organized and spacious and she can really focus on her task at hand! It might not work for everyone but our life is just a bit more crazy and we had to find something that works!

Happy toy playing!

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