Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Funds were tight, but we were determined to make the best of the time that we had off from work. Chicka got to go home for her sisters wedding, so we got to stay home and watch AB. Here is what we had planned.

Get off of work! Go to dinner with the Chapman family at Ziki’s and celebrate my nephew Zach turning 8. Put the kids to bed early and hang out with my parents.

Eat breakfast with the Chapman family
Go to gravelly Point and watch the airplanes take off
Say good bye to the Chapman family house guests and kick off the first day of our “stay-cation” by taking AB to the Zoo for the first time.

We were going to do a few projects around the house. Things that we never have time to do through out our regular week. Things like paint the kitchen, clean out the shed, etc. Then we had babysitters lined up to watch AB so that we could have a real date night with dinner and a movie. Something we have never done since AB was born. We have been to dinner many times but never dinner and a movie. This was going to be spectacular. I even had 2 free movie tickets and a $25 gift certificate to a sushi restaurant.

We were going to wake up early and hit some yard sales. Something that I love doing. It is just relaxing. Then maybe grab brunch somewhere. Then off to Brookside gardens and explore nature. And then the grand finale for the day was going to the Orioles Vs. the Braves game at Camden yards.

Chesapeake Bay here we come. AB had a sand pail, shovel, and sand sifter ready to go.

We were going to go to Dutch Wonderland in Pennsylvania. An amusement park just for kids!

It was going to be an at home stay local day. Get AB a passport, go paddle boating, feed the ducks, play on the playground, get our first ever family photo, go to the library and play in the water fountain at the town square.

What we got instead was:

Wednesday night we were at Ziki’s and all was going according to plan! We were getting ready to leave the restaurant and then all of the sudden….AB threw up all over my dad in the lobby of the restaurant. We rushed home, only so that she could throw up 8 more times. Once in the car! I could see Thursday’s trip to the Zoo fading and my heart began to crush.

Thursday Dustin had to go into work that morning. AB continued to throw up and have a fever. I could see my date night on Friday start to fade. We ordered take out and had a candle lit picnic on the kitchen floor.

Friday brought us more vomit plus some diarrhea!. and a trip to CVS totaling $85 dollars. I think that is the most I have ever spent there. Dustin decided AB shouldn’t be the only one sick. He joined in too! I knew that the Orioles game was out of the question. But hey we got to watch Bolt 5 times and Elmo 10 times.

Saturday was Moose’s turn to join in. No he did not want to be left out! More vomit. More diarrhea! At one point AB said “ouch, Mommy, tummy hurts!” (thank goodness she can talk) We rushed to the sink. She did what she had to do and then looked at me and said, “Excuse me Mommy, sorry Mommy”. So sad. I came to accept that none of the great things we had planned would happen. Very heart crushing!

Sunday was my turn! Man I hate throwing up! This was the day we were supposed to be at the bay! More vomit. More diarrhea! Still have fevers!

Monday was rough cause AB was better but we were not. She kept asking for hummus, sausage and pizza. No sir re! I am not feeding that to her with the chance that she will vomit it everywhere! Poor thing.

Tuesday was bitter sweet. We started feeling better but then were depressed thinking of what we went through and that we would have to go back to work the next day. This was the day that we were going to stay local. Get AB a passport, go paddle boating, feed the ducks, play on the playground, get our first ever family photo, go to the library and play in the water fountain at the town square. We knew we did not have the energy for that or the time. I started doing laundry and disinfecting things! We did go on a little shopping spree since we didn’t spend hardly any money that week. We went to Ikea for some baskets! Target for some blinds! Container store for…well, containers, Duh! While at Target we decided to risk it and get a family photo done. AB will be 2 in a couple of weeks and we never had a family photo! We both had time off of work! Sick or not, Target Portrait Studio, HERE WE COME. Well, lets just say it didn’t go that well. A few shots into it and even after one time out session and a stern talking to, a smile and her cooperation just was not going to happen. I will leave you with the picture below that sums up our vacation. In case you are wondering, she is screaming ALL DONE! I couldn’t have summed it up any better. Yes baby, we are all done!

(In total she threw up 21 times and had a fever at one point of 103. Dusitn and I tied for second with 102) We are all well now and feel fine. We just need a vacation!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The 5 Million things I love about AB.

AB is turning 2 soon. Actually it is less than a month away. Holy cow! Am I doing everything right? Am I scaring her for life? Is she happy? What am I doing wrong? Should I not be so strict and let her eat more junk food? Should I make her go to bed sooner? Is 3 links of sausage, 1 piece of bacon, eggs, pancakes and strawberries, oj and milk TOO much for one breakfast?

I know some things we are doing must be right. Here is my unfinished list of the 5 million things I love about AB:

1. the way she says "i youve you"
2. the way she says "mo--o--se, whe--re A-RE you!?"
3. that she asks to go outside 100 times a day wether it be at 7:30 in the morning or 9:00 at night or pouring rain
4. that she says her bedtime prayers with me every night
5. that she adds people to her bedtime prayers sometimes
6. if she sees a heart she calls it an "i youve you"
7. that she can clearly distinguish between a circle, square and triangle
8. that she calls a rectangle cheese cause it looks like string cheese
9. that she is guinely concerned if someone is ok or not
10. that she loves to kiss
11. the way she eats a bannana
12. that she calls her milk juice
13. the time she got jealous that her baby had her balnket and she snatched it from her and said, no, that's anna's blanket
14. that she can put on her own shoes
15. that she tries to wear my shoes
16. the way she helps me sort laundry
17. the way she helps me unload the groceries. I honestly am so thankful for her helping me do that. it saves so much time.
18. the way that she asks for more. and if you aren't paying attention, adds sign language to the mix.
19. that she loves the Bible (aka Bobble)
20. that she has no fear
21. the way she loves bubble wrap
22. that she says hey bobbaw anytime she hears the phone ring
23. the way she melts my heart when she snuggles
24. the way that she says her abc's "LMNOP = elmo go pee"
25. the way that she counts to 12...I start it and she only says the even numbers
26. the way she calls the vacuum cleaner an "almost" cause when she used to be afraid of it she would say all done mommy all done and I would say almost. so now she calls it an almost
27. that she can say 4 sylybol words "ca-bi-pil-ler, ab-a-cob-bo, hed-i-cop-ter, mo-ter-cy-cle"