Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday's things Heard..."both team"

Last Wednesday around 5:30pm we had a couple things going on at once:
a friend stopped by to pick up VeggieTales Sing Yourself Silly tickets for this weekend (and brought me Dunkin Donuts Coffee), we were walking out the door to go to the store to get snacks for small group, the FedEx Truck blocked us both in as he delivered my *Diapers.Com order, I had to get Lydia in her side of the car, I had to get AB in her carseat, I had to remember to get my coffee off the top of the car, AND I brought my neighbors trash cans in from the curb (because her husband is out of town)

As we were pulling out of the driveway and onto the street, AB said, "Mommy, you didn't buckle this one! Mommy, you didn't buckle this one!" I looked back and sure enough, I had only buckled half of the buckle. I quickly stopped my car, in mid-reverse, leaned back and buckled the other half. "Anna Beth, thank you SO much for letting Mommy know. Please always let me know if that happens." To which she replied, "It's ok mommy, we are on the both team, the both team." I asked, "Do you mean the same team?" "Yes, the same team Mommy."

That did my heart so good. Our little family has been through a lot recently, a new baby, a job change, a business starting, a loan refinanced, just to name a few. One thing I said to my family over and over was guys, lets remember we are all on the same team. We have the same heart, the same goal and we are on each other's side. If I said it once in a day, I said it 30 times...we are on the same team! We are a family! To hear AB say, Mommy, its ok, we are on the both team...was just a huge WOW moment for me. She listens to me and she gets it. She really gets it!

*Diapers.Com is AMAZING! - Diapers to your door, the next day with free shipping! When we get down to the last 2 or 3 diapers I place the order and its like magic, it shows up the next day. It beats having to sit in traffic. It beats having to go to more than one store looking for size 5 pull-ups. It is always having sales. It beats having bulk diaper and wipes take up the whole cart leaving little room for other groceries and hello, have you been shopping with a 3 year old and a 3 month old by yourself! Man!

Anyways, they have a referral program. 15% off your first order, that is of course if you put my code in. Here are the details below:

Thought you might be interested in this website I discovered, They deliver diapers, wipes, formula and other baby necessities at really low prices with fast free shipping. They carry all the big brands and hard-to-find products too.

If you enter my email address or Share the Savings Code on the shopping cart screen, you'll get 15% off your first order!* It's their best offer for new customers.

My Email Address:
Savings Code: 123LMNOP

Check it out at

* Please note: $100 max discount. Other restrictions may apply.

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