Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday's Something I have never done before...pumpkins and wine

I made an incredible Pumpkin Sausage Pasta dish. It has been a long time since I followed a recipe and created a nice meal. Encouraged and inspired by my Uncle David, I finally agreed to do it. I printed the recipe, read it over and over and over. Made a shopping list and went to the store. $26 dollars later I had all the ingredients for the pasta dish and the accompanying spinach salad. I had hoped to spend a little less but if you think about it, the cost of going to a nice restaurant and getting 2 entrees, 2 salads, a kids meal, a drink (i usually get water but Dustin always gets a diet coke) and a milk for AB plus tax, plus tip - I think $26 was a good deal!

Dustin had to work late which was great, there wasn't a lot of pressure for me to get it done quickly. I read the recipe over and over again. Had it really been that long since I followed a recipe; shamefully I think it has. 1 cup of dry white wine. Ok so how in the heck am I to know if the wine I got was dry? I don't drink, everyone knows that. I bought a cheap bottle for $7. Looks like I can make this recipe many more times seeing that I only used a cup. How long does wine last in the fridge after it has been opened? Speaking of opening, how in the heck am I supposed to open it? I have never opened wine. I called my dad, he walked me through it. It was kinda cool. AB was upset that I made her leave the room while I did it. (I didn't know if it was going to fly off and hit her in the eye or something.)

The pasta dish came together very nicely and the spinach salad was perfect; even the dressing was homemade!

Here is the link to the recipe:

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