Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday's things Heard...when talking about Jesus

AB: Mommy look (a Christmas decoration), I remember that from last year. Its for Christmas.
Me: Yes, I see that. Do you remember what Christmas is all about?
AB: Santa Clause and presents!!!
Me: Do you remember what else Christmas is about?
AB: Nope
Me: Remember it is about Jesus and him being born and God sending him to earth to be with us?
AB: Oh, yes, I remember that! That is so special. This year at Christmas, I want Jesus to be with Christmas and presents and be in my heart.

Although I know we have been talking a lot about what it means to have Jesus in our hearts, I knew she was not really getting it, we arrived at our location shortly after that and I let the conversation rest. Later that evening we were on the road again, this time Poppy was in the car. We dove past another Christmas decoration.

AB: Poppy, do you remember that (a Christmas decoration)?
Poppy: I do
AB: Its for Christmas
Me: Do you remember what Christmas is all about?
Yes, Santa, presents and Jesus
Me: Hey Poppy, did you know what AB said? She said this Christmas she wants Jesus to be in her heart!
Poppy: (hopeful but still sensing it was too early, heck it was just the other month she said she didn't want Jesus in her heart even though he was in poppy's and mommy's) Really? Wow, that's great? Why do you want Jesus in your heart?
AB: cause he is very nice
Poppy: well thats not the reason we ask Jesus to be in our heart. We ask him to be in our heart because he loves us and we love him and he is our friend and we can talk to him and he died on the cross for us and...
Me: and he keeps us safe
AB: just like the firetrucks keep us safe
Me: yes, firetrucks keep us safe. Who is better than fire trucks?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is better than ambulances?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is better than police officers?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is better than mommy?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is better than poppy?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is better than moose?
AB: Jesus
Me: who is the best in the whole world?
AB: (with much thought and consideration she was quiet for a second and then shouted) .... Anna!!!

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