Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday's Making it a Home...every room in my house has a kitchen sink.

So, I have read a book, visited a website, subscribed to a newsletter and received daily emails. Have you every heard of the Fly Lady? I heard of her a few years ago. I have been very busy with 2 kiddos, church stuff, a full time job and LIFE...but I never fully abandon her principles. You can do anything in 15 minutes. Your house didn't get this way overnight and it won't be fixed overnight either. Its ok to vacuum just the middle of the floor sometimes and not all the way to the corners. House work not done perfectly still blesses your family. Shine your sink everyday.

What? Shine your sink everyday? The creator of started it all with the principle of shining her kitchen sink every day. If she could at least do that, her kitchen looked cleaner and felt cleaner and it inspired her not to leave dirty dishes in it and then it inspired her not to leave clutter on the counter, etc. Her theory does work.

This week, I decided to jump back in on the flylady bandwagon. But I need to do it at a different pace this time. I think I can fully do it, but I need to start at a very do-able pace. Once she got the kitchen sink down she moved into this master plan for the whole house. Its amazing and Lord bless me, I will be there soon. But I have decided that every room in my house has a kitchen sink. Do you see where I am going? If I can keep the kitchen sink clean in each room then at least my house will "feel" clean. You know that I am talking about...why do you think your mom always said MAKE YOUR BED. Your bed was the kitchen sink of your bedroom. If your bed was made, the rest of the room didn't seem so bad.

So, my goal is to clean the "kitchen sink" of every room before I go to bed. Here is my list of kitchen sinks. What are yours?

Kitchen = obviously the sink
Sunroom = everything off the rug
Dining room = nothing left on the table, not even the salt shaker (not that it is wrong to leave a salt shaker on it, but in my mind, that is how it looks clean to me)
Living room = nothing on the sofa or chairs and the pillows nicely placed
Front entry way = nothing left on the sofa table
Family Room = everything off the carpet
Laundry Room = everything off the top of the washer and dryer
Bathroom = counters cleared off
My room = the bed made
Lyd's Room = nothing in her yellow chair
AB's room = everything off the floor

How long does each sink goodness, it shouldn't take more than 90 seconds per "sink". Does it really take more that 90 seconds to empty the kitchen sink or put away a blanket left on Lydia's yellow chair? So with that time estimate, that means it should take me no longer than 16.5 minutes and I think I could shave that down some. It takes 21 days to form a habit! Here is to making my house a home, one "kitchen sink" at a time!

The name of the book this concept came from is Sink Reflections and the website is Enjoy! (and tell me if after checking any of this out you are inspired. I would love a FlyLady buddy)

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