Friday, February 20, 2009

the cost of a one night get away

my birthday is in 2 days and this is how i am celebrating it.....

my dad travels 5 and 1/2 days a week and gets tons of points for a free hotel night so i asked him for one night not too far from home so i don't have to drive all night so i ended up getting a night in Baltimore with a room overlooking the inner harbor

her paid an additional $25 for an upgraded room, a guaranteed water view and concierge lounge access. Thanks dad!

our only cost for the room....$25 parking

I told dustin all i wanted to do was get an overnight sitter for AB (thanks Zuzka) go to the hotel, put on my pjs, crawl up into the bed, get under the fancy luxurious sheets and down comfortor and watch cable TV. (for those of you who know me well, you know that is a real treat since we do not have a TV)

I also went as far to say that I didn't even want dinner because it would waste any hotel / tv time i had so i just got back from the store feeling a little guilty for the expense incured but trying to justify it to myself and make me feel better about it...thus this post

i have never walked away from a grocery store and spent what i spent and only had to carry 2 bags away. Now mind you the bags were full but still. So here it goes

gatorade because of the long time tradition dustin and i have with gatorade and hotels 3.20
a fancy intuition razor that i always feel guilty for buying 8.99
Beef Jerky which dustin recently got me hooked on 4.99
Chocolate covered almond raspberry M&Ms 4.69
strawberries 3.49
blueberries 3.49
blackberries because I miss my PaPaw 3.49
spinach quiche so we dont have to feel bad for just eating junk 5.99
brie cheese 6.99
hummus 3.79
blue organic tortillia chips 2.50
flatbread 2.29
Melba toast 3.19

total with tax and all that 58.44 yieks!!!! but if you figure a fancy steak dinner might cost the same...i would rather be in bed in my pjs!

So here is to my 29th Birthday! Happy Birthday Me!