Thursday, February 5, 2009

50 things I love about Dustin....

Today is my 9th wedding anniversary! Here are 50 things I love about Dustin.

He tolerates my quirkiness.

He knows all my stories and doesn’t get tired of hearing them over and over.

He bought the house I picked out, no questions asked.

He is the best secret keeper.

He cleans up vomit very well.

He honors me by not watching shows on TV or movies that feature scantily clad/seductive women.

He is the world’s best Poppy and coached our baby into saying Bible, Jesus, Amen and Church before she was 18 months old.

He doesn’t love football and does not have to watch every game!

He lets me change my mind at the last minute.

He is terrific around the house and only uses duct tape as a very last resort! I do not think there is anything that he cannot fix.

He will not talk to me in the morning until he has had his prayer time and talked to God first.

He always reminds me of our conversations that we have at 1AM when I am asleep (and he knows that) but he is too excited about something to wait until I wake up the next day.

He lets me take care of his calendar and meetings!

He pushes me to be who I need to be.

He is always supportive of my desires.

He drives late into the night on road trips. (Even if his reasoning is because I fell asleep while driving over 6 years ago and he is still scared!)

He decorates the outside of the house at Christmas time….EVERY YEAR! (we won’t mention that it is the redneck blow up stuff)

He is not high maintenance when it comes to dinner. His only request is that there is meat and that the entire meal is not in one pot.

He lets me vent when I am stressed and tells me when to stop.

He doesn’t care that my body has changed after the birth of a baby. If it does bother him he doesn’t say anything.

He has so much drive and passion.

He has so much vision.

He protects me from things I do not need to hear.

He insists on worship music being played in our house 24/7.

He will not let Anna Beth and I leave the house in the mornings until he prays over us and he prays for AB every night before she goes to bed too!

He takes care of any IT/nerdy computer related issues I have.

He sends me just because flowers.

He carries the diaper bag.

He lets me get Taco Bell even though we would much prefer somewhere else.

He once sent me flowers and chocolate 3 days into his first international trip without me because he was sure I would be missing him by then. I was missing him before he even made it through security.

He has an obedient heart towards God. He chooses obedience over sacrifice EVERYtime.

He will not compromise his morals, standards and integrity….even if it takes longer, cost more, and isn’t exactly what he wanted to do.

He still gets my door for me.

He can make me feel so small and safe and protected, just by putting his hand on my back right in-between my shoulder blades.

The way he leads me into a room or event with his hand on the small of my back.

His big crooked front tooth!

When he makes me laugh.

When he sends me a random text message to encourage my day.

The way he straightens my engagement ring if it is not directly centered when he is holding my hand.

The way he gets excited about going on a big vacation.

The way he will take the fortune out of his cookie and then let me eat it when no one is looking.

The way he helps me make memories and reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little things.

The way he can be a little girly when it comes to candles and decorating.

When he doesn’t judge me if I eat a late night snack.

He lets me get my nails done if I wanted to and lets me get my house cleaned but we just can’t find someone who can do it as well as I can.

The way he celebrates small things with me and gets excited too (i.e. clean sheet day, Anna saying Poo Poo)

When he plays with Anna he gets down on the floor at her level.

When he gives me a massage (few and far between but well worth the wait)

When he goes to the grocery store with me. The trips are shorter and more expensive but I always welcome the company.

That he does the bills and money stuff so I do not have to worry with it. I did the first 5 years of our marriage and will probably offer to do it starting next year. I also love that he taught me how to do bills.

I love you Dustin!


  1. We read these on our anniversary and I have to say that they made me love you more Lor.
