My day was too busy to worry about a snap shot and make the perfect Christmas card. Heck, I had to get the girls ready to get their photo taken with Santa that night.
AB took a bath. Lydia took a bath. AB's clothes were on. Lydia's clothes were on. Their clothes complimented each others so nicely. We were all ready to go when Poppy came home and then the unthinkable happened. Lydia scratched her face. It was bright red and was going to look awful on the photos. I called Dustin and told him that we had to go tomorrow instead of that evening. He laughed and dismissed my outrageous request. That night was the only night we had open and gosh golly we were going. I swallowed my anxiety and figured I would have the angle of the camera opposite from where this red mark on her face was.
Dustin came home. Dinner was on the table. AB was shadowing me in the kitchen. I kept tripping on her and asked her to please leave the kitchen. I was speeding around. We had to eat so that we could get out the door and see Santa before he had to feed his reindeer. I was not a very pleasant person (as I look back, I can easily see it). All I had to do was get AB's milk. I asked her one more time to leave the kitchen and swung the refrigerator door wide open to grab the milk and my poor 3 year old was in its path. She was leaving the kitchen but not fast enough. My hand and the fridge handle and the fridge door clocked her face so hard it pushed her into the dining room door frame. She got a goose egg on her cheek and the back of her head.
All I could do is stop and hold her and tell her I was so sorry. What a wake up call. I couldn't find a card good enough for our Christmas card. Lyds scratched her face and it was going to show up on the Santa picture. I threw together a nasty quick meal so we could rush out the door. In my haste, I clocked my 3 year old who wouldn't move fast enough and we rode to the mall in an awkward silence. It was my fault. I cared too much to make everything perfect and didn't take time to just enjoy being with my family. Do I really want them to remember that? No way. I had to change! And I was going to do it right now.
Isn't God so funny. You know he tested me right off the bat. We get to the mall and what do you was take your pet to see Santa day. AB in her black velvet pants was bound to get dog hair all over it. Lydia had fallen asleep and as soon as I pulled her out to take her hat off, she had a red line across her forehead. The line moved ever so slow. AB's hair was flying like the wind with all the static electricity. Lord, I give up. I cannot be gripped by the care and anxiety I was having. My chest was starting to hurt.
The photographer took like 10 shots and only 1 looked good. I didn't care anymore. AB got to see Santa. She screamed/whispered his name in such belief when she saw him. It was magical. We redeemed the evening when we went to the food court and turned in 3 coupons for a free chickfila kids meal. It was so great to have a late night snack together. 2 dinners in one night! I felt good to break the rules.
On the way home, you will not guess what I saw...a shooting star; just for me! I know God arranged it special. He was telling me I was right on track!
Here is to a 2011 filled with carefree living! My husband and kids deserve it!

(P.S. Do you notice? You can't even see their owies)